Welcome to Jamesy Junction!

Being Mommy to a two year old boy is a crazy train, so I decided to create a place where I can share the adventures of little train-loving James and his James-loving mama

Friday, July 9, 2010

Nose to the grindstone

    Writing a blog has been something I've wanted to do for quite some time. The biggest obstacle in this pursuit so far has been my neurosis. I want to blog about my life as a new mother but I didn't get the idea to start doing so until my son was two. So every time I would start to write, I'd start thinking of all the milestones and all the funny stories I'd already missed. (Yes, I'm a terrible slacker and I never bought or filled out a baby book). So, burdened with all this guilt, my writing would be stinted by all the things I wanted to squeeze in but couldn't remember well enough anymore to correctly record. It took the infinite common sense of my husband to finally set me straight. "Meg, you have to start somewhere". Indeed I do. So here I go.
    I guess I'll start with me. I'm Meg. I'm almost 25. Most days I still feel like a kid pretending to be a grown-up. But I think I do an alright job. My life revolves around two extremely handsome men- each more charming than the other. No, I'm not involved in the quintessential love triangle; I'm a wife and a mother. For the last seven years I've been in love with this hunk of handsomeness…

    …and almost four years ago we got married. Just about six months after that, we were expecting our little boy. We read the books, we babysat, we spent time with other parents; but nothing prepared us for the little bundle that the stork dropped off. (Side note: wouldn't it just be fabulous if that's how it really went…I think it'd definitely make for fonder memories of the whole process) James Anthony arrived on the scene at a whopping 10 lbs, 3 oz in December of 2007. That means…do the math…I have a 2 ½ year old!!! Of course I know this can't possibly be true since I'm still 22, but there you have it. Little monster's running around speaking in complete sentences, using proper grammar, talking back, climbing onto large objects for the sole purpose of jumping off of them, as well as many other things characteristic of 2 year olds. He's quick to agree that he's not a big boy' "I'm a beebee", yet he refuses to behave accordingly. Ahh…time, you are my enemy.
    Being a mom means living a life of constant turmoil. As much as I miss that little helpless angel I used to hold 20 hours a day (it's true), I can't help but be constantly fascinated and amused by this little man emerging. He makes me laugh about 100 times a day and is the ONLY person on this whole planet I am not emotionally capable of holding a grudge against. Not even for a minute. Not even for the 5 minutes he supposed to be sitting in timeout for. The kid's funny. You'll see. That's the plan anyway- to share his hilarity with the world….or however many citizens of said world deign to read my blog that is.
    I'm not here to impart any world wisdom or motherly advice. If that's what you're looking for, there are literally thousands of forums where nosy know-it-alls are happy to pass judgment on you and tell you the correct way to raise a child. Me? I'm just here to share my ride with you. The trials of motherhood that I'm certain many of us share, the venting I have vowed to do in text and not out loud, lest the little guy add some new words to his vocab, and hopefully, you'll get some laughs out of the whole thing.
    While I was typing this, my little love ran into the house excitedly exclaiming, "Mama! I got a flower for you!" Of course I proclaimed my excitement as he handed me a torn up leaf plucked from a low hanging tree. In return for my gratitude I received a bashful smile, a giggle, and a kiss before he was off again to his outdoor adventures. I'm telling you, he's a little Romeo in the making.

See what I mean?

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